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coronary stenosis中文是什么意思

用"coronary stenosis"造句"coronary stenosis"怎么读"coronary stenosis" in a sentence


  • 冠状动脉狭窄


  • The relation between ship pulse pressure and coronary stenosis degree
  • The multiple correlation of coronary calcification and coronary stenosis
  • Thus , restricting the use of drug - eluting stents to patients in stable condition with noncomplex coronary stenoses is likely to reduce the risk of late stent thrombosis
  • The triple - rule - out method allows for cost - effectie , rapid assessment of pe , coronary stenosis , and thoracic aortic dissection in er patients with a single acquisition , he said
    三重排除的方法考虑到了成本-效益, pe的快速评估,冠状动脉狭窄和单个采集的er患者的胸主动脉夹层形成,他说。
  • The triple - rule - out method allows for cost - effective , rapid assessment of pe , coronary stenosis , and thoracic aortic dissection in er patients with a single acquisition , he said
    三重排除的方法考虑到了成本-效益, pe的快速评估,冠状动脉狭窄和单个采集的er患者的胸主动脉夹层形成,他说。
用"coronary stenosis"造句  


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